下列常量作为 PHP 核心的一部分总是可用的。
Note: 你可以使用它们在 php.ini 中的常量名称; 但是在PHP之外,例如在 httpd.conf 之中, 你必须使用二进制位掩码来代替。 继续阅读 PHP错误处理 预定义常量
下列常量作为 PHP 核心的一部分总是可用的。
Note: 你可以使用它们在 php.ini 中的常量名称; 但是在PHP之外,例如在 httpd.conf 之中, 你必须使用二进制位掩码来代替。 继续阅读 PHP错误处理 预定义常量
PHP is not limited to outputting html. PHP can output images, pdf, javascript files, etc. Browsers determine what type of content is by analyzing the headers sent. In this tutorial I will present you with some examples of how to send headers. To send PHP header use the function header(). You must call this function before any output. Use the function headers_sent() to check whether the headers have been sent and output started. 继续阅读 php常用的header:301,302, Redirects, 404, Javascript, Download, Authentication dialog Headers
It is not often that you can write a PHP script that does not need to include the contents of different files as part of it’s output. If these includes happen to be php scripts themselves you have no choice but to use require or include. However more often than not, the contents are static, usually html template component. With static includes you have many more options available. aerwear We will analyse some of these functions to find out which one is most suitable when dealing with files with static content. We use the term function loosely, because require and include are not real functions but language constructs. 继续阅读 PHP各种读取文件的函数效率对比